> The Dream Job On line!: Wordpress Fundify Theme with Crowd-funding plugin Help by donnymunoz


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Wordpress Fundify Theme with Crowd-funding plugin Help by donnymunoz

Project Description:
Background of Website: Company A wants to start a campaign to build an aquarium. Company A would like to have 3 more fish tanks but can not afford it. Company A would like to raise money for the fish tanks. This is where Company B, C, D and E would sponsor Company A to build its 3 fish tanks by offering 50-70% off in discount cards to their store plus submit $100 or $300 in campaign funds to help Company A build their 3 fish tanks.

Part 1:) Email field

The problem I'm running into is the ability to create an email field as seen below in the sample.png. More than 80% of the website has been created but I'm not familiar with some of the elements in PHP Wordpress plugin - Crowdfunding by Astoundify.

Please see link: (items added are "Enter email to view sponsor discounts" and with "enter email")

I need where sponsor and non-sponsor (web visitor) to enter an email address within the campaign. Once they finish entering in their email address, they click on view sponsor discounts (submit button).

The web visitor is then led to a view sponsor discounts page with a live list pulled directly from the sponsors (sponsors created a profile in beginning and chose their campaign to sponsor).

The other element is a "purchase now" button at the bottom of the view sponsor page. The web visitor(s) can purchase access to the discounts (the sponsors discounts are offered within a particular campaign). After they make the purchase, they have access to print all the sponsors with their discounts for that particular campaign.

Please see link:


Part 2:)

We need a page for the sponsors to register under Sponsor Campaign page similar to the Start a Campaign with a few changes. We want the sponsor to fill in their information, discount(s) and pick which Campaign they are sponsoring. We were told we can just duplicate the link but need to use hooks/filters which we are not familiar with.

Please see link:


Skills required:
PHP, Software Architecture, Wordpress

View the original article here


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